Projet 2018- Establishing a schools’ network in Democratic Rep. of Congo : Training sessions for teachers & heads

Establishing a schools’ network in Democratic Rep. of Congo

Training sessions for teachers & heads

Until recently, the various private or subsidised schools of the Congo Vicariate operated more or less independently of each other. The Sisters decided to establish a system of networking between them, to help them become stronger and more reliable, and to ensure they all provided a coordinated approach to education, and remained true to the Congregation’s charism. A project was set up to train teachers in new teaching methods, thus allowing them all to develop the same skills, no matter where they taught.

Sharing teaching practices.

Sister Christine Lunda, schools network coordinator, is overseeing the organisation of four seminars for this current year, targeting 18 head teachers and 92 teachers, who look after around 5000 pupils in total

These training courses will include redeployment and training of primary teachers, with evaluation sessions and school visits, training of secondary teachers, with sessions in French and maths, joint school celebrations of the Founders, and school management training for head teachers and their deputies.

Total funding requested: 14300 €

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