Pray today

Pray today

Do watch this short video of humming birds: imagine that you are one of them & that the Creator is inviting you to sip the nectar, food for your soul, and without realising it, wherever you go, you spread the pollen that feeds our world.

Madonna with child – Presentation to the Magi

“Let us make active nonviolence our way of life (…)
Jesus himself lived in violent times. Yet he taught that
the true battlefield, where violence and peace meet,
is the human heart: (…)
Whoever accepts the Good News of Jesus is able to
acknowledge the violence within and be healed by
God’s mercy, becoming in turn an instrument of
reconciliation. In the words of Saint Francis of Assisi:
“As you announce peace with your mouth, make sure
that you have greater peace in your hearts”.”

Pope Francis’ New Year Message 2017

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