Founders – en


Pierre Fourier, Alix Le Clerc…

…two great spiritual leaders, grasped and awoken by God to the true situation of their times!


Although they seemed to have lived very different lives, their experience of God was expressed in the same intuition, a very vivid awareness of the realism of the Incarnation. Through their intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ they learned how to look on man as God does.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a constant presence for them. She gave the child to Alix. At Cana she prepared the arrival of the Word and the revelation of his Glory.

Both founders wished the Congregation of Our Lady to live by the Rule of St Augustine, where the emphasis is placed on freedom through charity and on the inner states of desire and humility. These make the heart grow and become manifest in the way we approach others, creating a “space for God”, in St Augustine’s own words.

Since 1597, many more “new houses for doing all possible good” have been established. The Congregation of Our Lady, founded on Christmas Day 1597 in Lorraine, is now active in 12 countries.


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