LA JOIE DE LA TERRE – Ir Francisca Nesello – Erechim – Fatima- Brasil
Vers le chapitre 2020
Versão em português
A Alegria da Terra
Animar os Missionários Associados a serem cada vez mais faróis de esperança , na construção de mais vida como pediu Jesus ( Jo. 10,10).
Na minha vida procuro sempre invocar o Espírito do Senhor para que me ilumine para estar a serviço das pessoas e da vida humana e da terra.
Na caminhada como Irmã, Educadora Missionária a » alegria da terra », se faz todo o dia na busca da justiça e da comunhão. Laudato Si: guardar a criação, respeitar a natureza , acolher a vida e as pessoas para a construção de um mundo mais humano e melhor. Lutei e ainda luto para me atualizar como Igreja e Congregação para mostrar pelo nosso exemplo que cuidamos da vida e ,assim acontece a Alegria da Terra.
English Version
The Joy of the Earth
To encourage our missionary associates to be more and more beacons of hope and in working to bring life in tis fulness for all through Jesus: ‘I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.’ Jn. 10, 10.
I have always tried in my life to seek the light of the Holy Spirit so that He will show me how I can be of service to people, to humanity and to the earth. As a sister who is both a missionary and an educator I see the joy of the earth not as something separate but as part of my daily life jin the struggle for right-living and for unity. For me the key points in Laudato Si’ are protecting creation, respect for nature, welcoming life and people so as together to build a better, and a more human world. I have fought and continue to fight to keep abreast of all that is going on in both the Church and in the Congregation to show by our example that we care for life and I continue to keep abreast of all that is going on. It is by example in our care for life for it is in this way that the Joy of the Earth happens.